We educate young women and men for social cultural negative norm change to avoid for example early child marriage and early pregnancy.
To train a child approximately € 24 per year.


  • Training of champions of change(COC) clubs in champions of change methodology,gender and inclusion, including disability inclusion ,importace of sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for climate change action and menestral health hygiene (MHH).
  • Quaterly youth consultation events with all COC including most at risk groups on social and gender norms related to SRHR issues.
  • Cascade training to target beneficiaries at community centers.
  • Boys/men engagement to demystify myths around SRHR and MHH.
  • Estabilsh /strengthen civil society organization,community based organization, adolescents and youth coalition on inclusive SRHR and climate resilience.


  • More than 4.500 young people received access to SRHR information and services.
  • Menstrual hygiene training for adolescent girls and young women - 180 were reached.
  • Increase the access to the use of sanitary pads.
  • Distributed SRHR commodities (like condoms fore example - to 500 young people).
  • Testing and counseling on HIV, malaria, etc. (tested more than 200 people).
  • During Covid distributed 38 hand washing kits on the water point.
  • Adoption of positive SRHR behaviors.

Our Strategy

  • Expand the social business to become a substantial financial support for the programs.
  • Increase the number of clubs in 2023 to 10 and train 600 young people for approximately a year.
  • Create a network of young people who transfer their knowledge to other young people (based on the trained I DECIDE program).